Luigi Ghirri: Viaggi Photographs 1970–1991 (MASI Lugano, 08.09.2024 - 26.01.2025)

Just over thirty years after his premature death, MASI Lugano is dedicating a major new exhibition to the Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri (Scandiano, 1943 - Reggio Emilia, 1992). The exhibition created by James Longwood and coordinated by Ludovica Introini is on show from 8 September 2024 until 26 January 2025.
A pioneering figure and influential thinker on photography and its role in modern culture, in the 1970s and 1980s Ghirri created a body of work unparalleled in the Europe of his time; a playful and profound reflection on the popular medium of photography.
The exhibition at MASI recounts Ghirri's profound fascination with travel, both real and imaginary, through around 150 original prints. Ghirri mainly photographed his Italy, travelling to places frequented by tourists: from the Dolomites to the lakes of northern Italy, from seaside resorts along the Adriatic and Mediterranean coasts to museums and theme parks. Alongside these destinations, Ghirri's attention also turns to the idea of travel and the photographs of maps, atlases, advertising images and postcards, which recur throughout the exhibition.
Luigi Ghirri, Trani, 1986, C-print, new print. CSAC, Università di Parma. © Eredi di Luigi Ghirri