Rebuilding of a child care facility in Johannesburg, South Africa
"Door of Hope" is a charitable organization based in Johannesburg, South Africa. The organization runs three care houses with facilities for caring for around 70 abandoned babies.
Door of Hope has recently started the process of rebuilding one of the houses to continue to provide the necessary high-quality services to the babies and staff. The house plays an essential role in being the original child care facility of the Door of Hope with the first ‘Baby Box’. A Baby Box is a safe place to leave a baby anonymously if one is desperate. Once placed in the saver, the baby will be taken into care then placed into the foster care/adoption system, as with any other abandoned baby. With the increasing poverty and lack of access to contraceptives and assistance during severe lockdowns due to Covid-19, the number of mothers who find themselves unable to care for their babies continues to be of grave concern.
Tarbaca Indigo Foundation is co-financing the rebuilding of the baby house, which is scheduleded to break ground midway through 2022.